Sunday, January 30, 2011

Gymnastics builds self esteem!

Dear Parents,

Please read why skillful gymnastics instruction is uniquely beneficial for your child. (According to Jeff Metzger, USA Gymnastics Business Development Partner and President of Kids First Sports Center.)

'Young human being experience life in the physical realm. It is a huge event in the life of a child when s/he learns to jump, skip, or turn a cartwheel. These events have far more impact on a person's psychological makeup that does learning to conjugate a very for solving for X.

Good, bad, right or wrong, young children tend to from a perception of their competency as a person based on how well they stack up physically compared to their peers. For young children, feeling competent physically reinforces a general belief that "I am capable," a foundational component of a healthy self-esteem. Other components are: "I am lovable," "I belong," "my views count," "I am in control of myself." A healthy self-esteem is a requisite for inner peace and happiness and is a worthy goal for all of us.'

This week we will work with the peanut ball to increase coordination, balance and to develop strength. We will also work on eye hand coordination with the balls.

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